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9 Surprising Lessons We Can Learn From Cats to Help Us Live Our Best Lives

Do you ever wish you could live life like a cat?

This is my cat, Mila. And sometimes I wish I had her life.

A cat at Christmas
Mila helping wrap Christmas presents

Lying in the sun all day, napping whenever I want, not worrying about anything at all.

While watching her live the dream life, Mila has taught me a lot about how to live my own best life - and she can teach you too.

Perhaps you're thinking, "What could a cat possibly teach me about living my best life?"

Well, as humans we often feel anxious, doubtful, and lack confidence in pursuing our goals. Which means we’re not living our best lives. That’s perfectly normal, but it’s something a lot of us are trying to work on.

Let me tell you though, cats have absolutely mastered the art of relaxation, self-care and living in the moment. By observing their behaviour, we can learn some valuable lessons that will help us overcome our anxiety and self-doubt.

So, if you're ready to improve your life and learn from our feline friends, let's go. I promise you that by the end of this post, you'll be looking at cats in a whole new light, and you'll have some surprising tips to help you live your best life.

Lesson 1 – Live In The Moment

Lesson 2 – Stay Curious

Lesson 3 – Relentlessly Pursue What You Want

Lesson 4 – Keep Good People Close

Lesson 5 – Never Settle for Anything Less Than What You’re Worth

Lesson 6 – Take Pride in Your Appearance

Lesson 7 – Have Patience

Lesson 8 – Take Time Out For Yourself

Lesson 9 – Enjoy the Little Things in Life

Lesson 1 – Live In The Moment

Cats are masters of living in the moment. Have you ever seen a cat contemplating the past or fretting about the future?

They don’t sit around thinking about these things, they simply enjoy being in the now.

As humans, we often get caught up thinking about things that have already happened or we get nervous about the meetings we have this week, which can lead to stress and anxiety.

Tortie cat sitting in the sun
Mila enjoying the sun

By taking a cue from our feline friends and focusing on the present, we can reduce our stress levels and improve our overall well-being.

Living in the moment means being fully present and engaged in what we are doing right now. Whether it's taking a walk outside, enjoying a cup of coffee, or spending time with loved ones, we can learn to savour each moment as it’s happening.

So next time you find your mind wandering to the past or future, take a deep breath and bring yourself back to the present, then act like a cat and be alert to your surroundings.

Notice the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. By living in the moment, you’ll find greater joy, peace, and fulfilment in your daily life.

Lesson 2 – Stay Curious

Cats are insatiably curious. They’re always exploring their surroundings, investigating new objects, and seeking out new experiences. My cat, Mila, will explore literally anything new that gets brought into the house the moment it’s through the front door.

We can definitely benefit from cultivating the same sense of curiosity in our lives too.

Cat In The Snow
Mila and me checking out the snow

Curiosity is about being open to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. Always looking for the next new nugget of information to help us grow. It means being willing to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and explore the unknown.

When we approach life with curiosity, we become more engaged and open-minded. We also become better problem solvers, as we are more willing to experiment and try new things.

So, ask questions, seek out new experiences, and challenge your assumptions. Take a different route home, try a new food, or learn a new skill. By embracing your inner curiosity, you can expand your horizons and discover new opportunities for growth and learning.

Lesson 3 – Relentlessly Pursue What You Want

Cats are known for their relentless persistence and determination. When they want something, they will stop at nothing to get it. Whether it's catching a mouse or getting a cuddle from their favourite human, cats will keep trying until they succeed.

If Mila is hungry at 3am, you better believe she will stop at nothing to ensure I wake up and feed her - from repeatedly hitting me in the face, to scratching a hole throughthe door.

We can all benefit from having this sense of cat-like determination in our lives.

Determination means having the drive and perseverance to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. When we approach challenges with determination, we are more likely to succeed, even in the face of adversity.

To develop your determination muscles, try setting clear goals and create a plan to achieve them. Break your goals down into smaller, achievable steps and celebrate your progress along the way. When faced with setbacks, use them as opportunities to learn and grow, and never give up on your dreams.

Imagine what you could achieve if you adopted this cat-like curiosity?!

Lesson 4 – Keep Good People Close

Cats instinctively know which side their bread is buttered and are extremely selective about who they allow into their inner circle. But once you're in, you're in for life. Cats value strong relationships with their favourite humans, and they show their affection in their own unique ways.

A cat sleeping on owners arm
Mila sleeping on my arm

Prime example, there are only a select few people Mila will get up to greet when they walk through the door, otherwise you have to earn your way into her affections. It will take time but once she loves you, she loves you for life.

What we can learn from this is that cultivating strong relationships with the good people in our lives - whether it's family, friends, or colleagues - and having a supportive network, can provide us with a sense of belonging, connection, and happiness.

To build up these strong relationships, prioritise spending time with the people you care about. Show appreciation for their presence in your life and be there for them when they need you.

This means you should communicate openly and honestly, and work to resolve any conflicts that arise. By keeping good people close, this support network can help you navigate life's ups and downs.

Lesson 5 – Never Settle for Anything Less Than What You’re Worth

Cats seem to have an incredibly strong sense of self-worth and they never settle for anything less than they deserve. Whether it's the exact brand of food they like or the most comfortable spot on the couch, cats know what they want and they won't settle for anything less.

A cat and owner on the couch
Mila telling me she'll only sit on me if I have her blanket on me

The only way Mila will sit on our laps is if we have her favourite blanket on us. She will never, and I mean never, sit on us without it. She knows exactly how to be comfy, she knows her worth and won’t accept anything less than that. Inevitably we always cave and she’s happy.

What we can learn from this cat-lesson, is how important it is to have a strong sense of self-worth and refusing to settle for anything less than we deserve. This means knowing our own value, setting boundaries, and advocating for ourselves in all areas of life - including work, relationships, and personal growth.

Take time to reflect on your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. Set clear boundaries around your time, energy, and resources, and learn to communicate them assertively to the people around you.

By valuing yourself, you can create a life that is fulfilling, satisfying, and aligned with your true worth.

Lesson 6 – Take Pride in Your Appearance

Being well groomed and taking pride in their appearance is something cats are notorious for. From domestic house cats to the lions of the savannah, cats have rigorous cleaning routines and take immense pride in how they look.

They spend hours grooming themselves to perfection, and it shows – they really know how to work a camera too. Which is probably why 90% of the camera roll on my phone is pictures of Mila.

When we take care of our physical appearance, it can have a positive impact on our self-confidence and overall well-being.

You don’t need to be over-the-top or have the latest designer fashion to take pride in your appearance, just find a style that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Take care of your hygiene and grooming habits and invest in clothing you can afford that makes you feel good about yourself.

Finding a look that represents your authentic self and by taking pride in your appearance can have knock on effects to other parts of your life - like boosting your self-esteem and confidence.

Lesson 7 – Have Patience

While some cats can come across as impatient, especially when they're hungry, I’m always impressed at the patience cats have to deal with things, such as their needy humans. The number of times I pick Mila up when she doesn’t want it, or put items on her head for amusement and she just shows patience and restraint and goes along with it.

A cat shaking a persons hand
Mila showing how she can shake paws

This feline virtue of patience is something we can learn a lot from. It's important to remember that success doesn't come overnight, and it often takes time and effort to achieve our goals. We need to be patient and persistent in our pursuits, especially when we have setbacks or challenges.

Try practising mindfulness and staying present in the moment when faced with something that tests your patience, like a traffic jam or train delay. Recognise that things take time, and these setbacks are a natural part of the process.

Learning to have patience can reduce stress and anxiety, and ultimately help us achieve our goals with a sense of calm and resilience, without getting frustrated at a lack of progress.

Lesson 8 – Take Time Out for Yourself to Relax

Our lives can get so busy, and sometimes we don’t prioritise finding time for ourselves to relax and reset. Whereas cats absolutely have that sorted – just look at their ability to fall asleep anywhere, chill out in the sun, and simply be themselves.

There’s been so many occasions where I’ve come off a stressful call at work, and I look over and see Mila snoring away, not a care in the world, soaking up the afternoon sun.

Tortie cat sleeping on the grass
Mila taking time out for herself

We often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to take time out for ourselves. It’s important to make a conscious effort to prioritise self-care and take a break when we need it.

Imagine if you were a car revving at 7000 RPM for an entire roadtrip – at some stage your engine would explode. You need to stop for a moment. Go for a walk, read a blog, or sing your favourite song acapella - just take time for you.

By taking time out for yourself, you recharge your batteries and come back to your responsibilities with renewed energy and focus.

Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish, but rather an essential aspect of living your best life. So, take a leaf out of Mila’s book and make self-care a priority in your life.

Lesson 9 - Enjoy the Little Things in Life

And finally, we make it to the last point. Enjoy the little things in life.

Cats are simple creatures and don’t need much to be happy. How many times have you seen a cat chase a piece of dust? Or sit in an empty cardboard box? For a cat, simplicity is key – food, a comfy bed, a litter tray and some lovin’ is all they need to live a great life.

Mila takes great pride in chasing her tail from time to time, before rewarding herself with a nice bath.

Tortie cat in the sink

In a world filled with people showing off their latest and greatest gadgets, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of material possessions or lofty goals and forget to appreciate the small moments along the way. The parts that bring joy to our lives.

Take a moment to appreciate that beautiful sunset, smile when your USB cable goes in right on the first try or relish that quiet moment with your partner after a busy day. By finding joy in the little things, we can live a more fulfilling life and appreciate the beauty in the world around us.

So, Take a cue from Mila and her feline pals and enjoy the little things in life.

What We’ve Learned From Our Feline Friends

And there you have it! If you're anything like me, you're feeling inspired and motivated to apply these nine cat-inspired lessons to your own life.

Live in the moment, be curious, and never settle for anything less than what you're worth. Keep good people close, take pride in your appearance, have patience, and take time out for yourself.

And most importantly, enjoy the little things.

Embrace your inner cat and live your best life!

And if you need a little extra motivation, just remember that the benefits of these lessons are endless. From reducing stress and anxiety to increasing happiness and success, you have everything to gain by adopting a cat-like mindset.

You deserve to live a fulfilling life, and it's up to you to make it happen.

So, go out there, chase your dreams, and live your best life. Never forget the valuable lessons that our feline friends have taught us!

Now, which of these lessons are you going to try first?


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